Understanding Rorschach Responses through the Lens of Neuroimaging
Understanding the Underpinnings of Rorschach Responses through the Lens of Neuroimaging and Psychophysiological Research
May 20 | 11:30 am - 3:30 pm ET | 3.5 CE Credits
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Recently, a lot of effort has been made to ground Rorschach interpretations to their evidence base. During the last decade (2010 – 2020), in particular, the psychological processes underlying the production of Rorschach responses have been investigated also by utilizing various techniques borrowed from neuroscience and psychophysiology. The goal of this presentation is to review some of the most fascinating findings published in psychological assessment literature since 2010, when an EEG study demonstrated, for the first time in the Rorschach history, that producing Rorschach human movement responses (M) likely associates with increased mirroring activity in the brain. The purpose of this talk is to help attendees appreciating the neuro-physiological underpinnings of Rorschach responses so to deepen their understanding of what the Rorschach really can vs. cannot reveal about the respondents’ personality and psychological functioning. Numerous studies – focused on various Rorschach variables (such as M, Complexity, and ODL) and conducted using various techniques (such as EEG, fMRI, rTMS, electrodermal activity and eye-tracking) – will be presented and discussed. Suggested interpretation of key R-PAS variables will be discussed in the light of presented findings, and several considerations regarding the use of R-PAS in forensic contexts will be offered.
Goals and Objectives:
1. Describe the interpretive meaning of key R-PAS scores
2. Explain how current neurophysiological research findings support the traditional interpretation of Rorschach human movement responses as linked to social cognition
3. Explain how eye-tracking and fMRI research support the interpretation of R-PAS variable Complexity as an index of cognitive engagement
4. Describe the reasons why the behaviors observed during the administration of the Rorschach and coded via selected R-PAS scores are relevant to the assessment of the psychological functioning of the tested individual
Skill Level:
No prior experience with the Rorschach is required, and all psychologists and graduate students at all levels of training may attend this workshop.
Registration is now open!
Member Type | Rate |
Student Member | $124 |
Early-Career Member | $174 |
Member/Fellow/Associate | $249 |
Student Non-Member | $154 |
Early-Career Non-Member | $234 |
Non-member | $324 |
Refund Policy
Webinar bookings cancelled in writing more than 30 days before the event are entitled to a 50% discount. After this date there are no further refunds, though transfers to another registrant of the same member type or to an alternative webinar are available up until one week before the originally purchased event.
Luciano Giromini, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, and core faculty member for the Ph.D. program in Psychological, Anthropological and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin, Italy. He has taught psychological assessment and psychometrics at two Italian and one Californian universities, and is currently the coordinator of the Evidence-Based Psychological Assessment research team of University of Turin. He is the Assessment Section Head of the journal Psychological Injury and Law, and a consulting editor of several assessment journals, including Journal of Personality Assessment and Psychological Assessment. Luciano Giromini is also one of the authors of the Inventory of Problems (IOP-29 and IOP-M).
The Society for Personality Assessment (SPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
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