Bruno Klopfer Award 

The Bruno Klopfer Award is bestowed annually for outstanding, long-term professional contribution to scholarship in the field of personality assessment. The award honors a lifetime of active and impactful research related to personality assessment and psychological test development.

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Meet the Bruno Klopfer Award Winner, Dr. Gregory J. Meyer!

Gregory J. Meyer, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toledo. His research focuses on psychological assessment, with an emphasis on the integration of personality assessment methods and using the Rorschach as a measure of psychological processes grounded in behavioral performance. He has more than 95 peer-reviewed publications and an h-index of 52. He has received Distinguished Contribution Awards for specific articles and general contributions to assessment and he served as the Editor of the Journal of Personality Assessment for 11 years. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 5) and of the Society for Personality Assessment. In addition to co-authoring the manual for the Rorschach Performance Assessment System, he co-edited a casebook entitled Using the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS).

Bruno Klopfer Award Winners

The BRUNO KLOPFER AWARD is bestowed annually for outstanding, long-term professional contribution to the field of personality assessment.