Mary S. Cerney Student Paper Award

The Mary S. Cerney Student Paper Award is given annually to the best student paper dealing with some aspect of personality assessment. Eligible papers are those first-authored by a student (at the time the work was completed) and published in the past year. 

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Meet the Mary S. Cerney Award Winner, Alexandra Halberstadt!

Alexandra Halberstadt is a fifth year doctoral candidate working with Dr. Aaron Pincus at the Pennsylvania State University. She is interested at connecting personality at multiple timescales, including moment-to-moment, interaction-level, and traits. 

Mary S. Cerney Award Winners

The MARY S. CERNEY AWARD is given annually to the best personality assessment research paper submitted by a student. This award carries a stipend to defray the cost of attending the Annual meeting. See the SPA Graduate Student page (SPAGS) for more information.