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Understanding Relationship between Personality/Visual Info on the Rorschach & Human Faces (1.5 CEs)


Researchers from independent laboratories in two countries will present papers utilizing psychophysiological techniques to investigate the role of personality in processing the Rorschach and discerning emotions in faces. The session capitalizes on the fact that performance on the Rorschach involves scanning and making a visual attribution to the blots, and the papers focus on uncovering visual search strategies for responding to the Rorschach cards as well as the association between R-PAS variables and identifying emotions on faces. The first paper (Lab 1) provides evidence for individual differences in several eye movement (EM) indices for the Rorschach to illustrate the degree of similarity of visual search strategies for individuals across the 10 cards (reliability) as well as other visual stimuli. Identifying a level of consistency for individuals across the cards maximizes the utility of connecting personality and other variables to visual search strategies. The second paper (Lab 1) illustrates how specific R-PAS variables are associated with the distinct eye movement indices of these individuals suggesting that particular R-PAS variables may be associated with different facets of information processing (validity). The third paper (Lab 2) presents data using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to illustrate the level of similarity of individual differences with Lab 1 and advancing our understanding of the long range utility of EMs for improving our understanding of the Rorschach response process. The fourth paper (Lab 1) investigates the relationship between R-PAS variables and visual search strategies for human faces and the Rorschach.


Barry Dauphin | University of Detroit Mercy 


Luciano Giromini | University of Turin

Goals & Objectives
  1. List eye movement indices relevant for information processing during the Rorschach to maximize the application of the Rorschach as an assessment technique. 
  2. Assess the long range utility of EM indices for understanding the Rorschach response process. 
  3. Apply knowledge gained via Rorschach administration to behavioral indices of processing human faces. 
  4. Compare measures of individual differences across different stimuli for improving the utility of interpreting behavior during Rorschach administration. 

Eye Movements (EM) as a Measure of Individual Differences on the Rorschach: Evidence of the reliability of EM Indices across the Cards 

Ellen Day | University of Detroit Mercy 

Mellisa Boyle | University of Toledo 

Mindee Juvee | Appleton VA Clinic 

Barry Dauphin | University of Detroit Mercy 

Harold Greene | University of Detroit Mercy 

Specific R-PAS Variables are Associated with Different Eye Movement Indices during Card Viewing 

Paige Erickson | University of Detroit Mercy 

Ellen Day | University of Detroit Mercy 

Mellisa Boyle | University of Toledo 

Mindee Juve | University of Detroit Mercy 

Barry Dauphin | University of Detroit Mercy 

Harold Greene | University of Detroit Mercy 

Comparing Eye Movements of Italian and American Rorschach Examinees 

Francesca Ales | University of Turin 

Luciano Giromini | University of Turin 

Alessandro Zennaro | university of Turin 

Visual Search Strategies for Rorschach and Faces 

Mellisa Boyle | University of Detroit Mercy 

Mindee Juve | Appleton VA Clinic 

Ellen Day | University of Detroit Mercy 

Barry Dauphin | University of Detroit Mercy 

Harold Greene | University of Detroit Mercy 



Non-Member Price: $109
Member Price: $49