October 2023 | Newsletter Links


RemindersCommunity Events & News | Job Postings 


October 31 | APA Division 12 Call for Submissions

November 2 - 4 | Register for Expert Insights

November 15 | HiTOP Call for Abstracts

November 16 | The Psychoanalytic Interest Group Presents- Psychodynamics Live in Primary Care: Assessment Stories of a Psychoanalytic Health Psychologist 

November 20 | SPAGS Board Nominations

November 27 | Scholarships Deadline

Community Events & News 

  • HiTOP Call for Papers
    We're excited to announce that the 2024 HiTOP Conference will take place in-person March 16-17 at the Westin San Diego Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego, CA. The conference will include a number of different presentations and activities, including a plenary speaker, symposia, individual talks, workgroup updates, trainee flash talks and posters, a mentor-mentee lunch, and a trainee breakfast.
    We look for submissions that include symposia, individual (i.e., paper) talks, flash talks for the Trainee Showcase Symposium, or posters reporting on completed studies or works in progress. We also will solicit nominations for a potential plenary speaker. We encourage submissions on diverse HiTOP-relevant content areas using varied research methods. We are especially excited to highlight presentations that emphasize HiTOP across development; diversity, inclusion, equity, and justice (DEIJ) issues; and dissemination and/or implementation. We particularly welcome submissions from women, researchers from other underrepresented or epistemically excluded groups, and early-career scientists. Submissions must come from HiTOP members/trainees or be sponsored by a HiTOP member. Abstracts are due by November 15th, 2023 at 11:59PM PST and can be submitted from the HiTOP website (https://www.hitop-system.org/hitop2024), which also has more information on presentation types and submission formats.

    Notification of submissions chosen for presentation will be provided by mid December. Please note that all presentations and posters will require in-person attendance. 
  • Education & Training Interest Group

    This year, the Education & Training Interest Group invited anyone submitting a symposium to present at SPA to reach out to us if they would like help finding a discussant for their symposium. Specifically, we offered to help identify an expert in the field to talk about the important implications of the author’s symposium for the next generation of psychologists and the future of assessment. We received one request from a symposium focused on assessment gaps related to exploring the relationship between interpersonal traumas and social relating/death awareness in diverse populations of adults and children survivors. The themes of this symposium include “interpersonal traumas (including neglect and abuse) in unexplored areas of cultural diversity, death anxiety, paternal influence and projective assessment of aggression.”

    We are looking for an individual with knowledge and/or expertise in one or more of these areas that would like to serve as a discussant for the symposium (if the symposium is accepted). If you are interested, or can recommend someone, please send an email to the interest group co-chairs: Scott (scott_schwartz@med.unc.edu) and Adam (apn017@shsu.edu).

  • Call for Papers (APA Division 12) :

    The Future of Clinical Psychological Science will be in Atlanta, GA, from February 1-3, 2024, for a conference focused on emerging trends, technological advancements, and issues related to cultural sensitivity, inclusivity, and ethics in clinical psychology. 

    Students, trainees, and clinical psychologists of all career stages and specializations are encouraged to join us. The conference will offer CEs and programming for clinically and academically focused professionals who work in a wide range of settings. The conference will also have applications for the Pre-Conference Institutes, which will offer intensive sessions focused on helping attendees build specific skills. 

    The deadline for abstract submission, Institute applications, and early registration is Monday, October 31 at 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time!! Please check out the website for more details: https://div12.org/scp-conference/

    Click here to learn about this new conference.

  • Call for Papers: It is with great pleasure that the Organizing Committee for the XXIV Congress of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods can announce the Call for papers. We are excited to receive papers from all over the world and look forward to both oral presentations, symposia and posters to the congress that is held in Copenhagen, Denmark in July 2024. We encourage everyone to visit the official congress website:  https://rorschachcph2024.dk where all the latest information can be found and where you can sign up for our newsletter. We also have a facebook group: XXIV Congress of the ISR - Copenhagen 2024. Call for Papers - English Abstract Guidelines- English | Call for Papers - SpanishAbstract Guidelines- Spanish

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