November 2022 | Newsletter Links


Reminders Community Events & News | Job Postings 


Convention Registration Now Open 

November 30 | Student, Diversity, and Early Career Scholarships Due 

December 31 | Membership Renewals are Due 

Community Events & News

  • Advocacy: Ask Congress to take immediate action to address the mental health crisis facing the nation. The Advocacy Office has identified solutions to help strengthen and expand access to mental health services - including but not limited to expanding workforce programs, expanding access to mental health in schools and achieving parity for mental health services. All of these solutions are currently under consideration as part of end-of-year legislation. Together, let's raise our voices on the need to include these bills as part of final votes taken in congress this year. Please take 2 minutes to share these solutions with Congress today! 
  • Event: The Society of Clinical Psychology is bringing you the Assessment Throwdown Phase II where three assessment students from across the US battle it out for the top spot. Join them on November 18, 2022 at 12pm EST. Click here to access the event. 
  • Event: ISSPD is excited to announce that their Early Bird Registration is now open for the ISSPD 2023 Congress that will take place 1st-3rd November 2023 at SMC, Sydney. The Congress will be an opportunity for world leading researchers and master clinicians to share their knowledge, students to engage with more senior colleagues and showcase their research and careers, and consumers to engage with the clinical and research world. For more information, click here
  • Event: XXIV Congress of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective MethodsJoin ISR for their Congress July 9-12, 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark. For more information, please visit
  • Nancy Kaser-Boyd, Ph.D. has appeared in a documentary on a murder trial of a battered woman which is now featured on Netflix.  It is titled "Killer Sally" after her 'handle' as a female bodybuilder. 
  • Editoral Fellowships for Early Career Professionals: Many APA journals offer editorial fellowship programs for early-career psychologists from historically excluded groups. These programs seek to elevate leadership opportunities in research and publishing for members of communities that have been historically underserved. Fellowships are open to individuals who have completed their education/training and are no more than 10 years postdoctoral. Candidates may hold a position at the rank of assistant professor (or equivalent, such as a research scientist). Visit the APA Journals webpage for details on qualifications, responsibilities, and how to apply. Click here to explore fellowship opportunities. 
  • Invitation to take Survey: We will ask you to complete an online survey (in English, Dutch, or Italian, it’s up to you!) conducted by Ali Y.E. Akca, PhD candidate at the University of Turin (Italy), in collaboration with Erasmus University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands). The aim of this study is to explore the experiences and opinions of professionals involved in clinical, neuropsychological, forensic, and/or medical(physical) assessment. More specifically, we are asking practitioners to tell us about their experiences and opinions about the profile of their assessed clients. You may participate in this study if you perform psychological or medical assessments in any of the above areas. Your responses will be kept anonymous and confidential. If you have any questions, please contact the principal investigator at Click Here to complete the survey.

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