Products & Services
Shifting Cultural Lenses in Psych Assessment - Integrating Clinical/Statistical Approaches (1 CE)
In this talk I propose an approach to psychological assessment that respects and critically...
The Development of Personality Pathology - Implications for Assessment (1 CE)
The DSM-5 Alternative Model of Personality Disorders (AMPD) offers for the first time a...
Advancing the Concept of Applicability of the Treatment Utility of Clinical Assessment (1 CE)
Utilizing the article “When and How Assessment Matters: An Update on the...
Language as Personality (1 CE)
The ways people express themselves in everyday language is consistent across time and context....
Psychological Assessment of Racial and Cultural Trauma (no CE)
Racism, discrimination, and prejudice harm People of Color's physical and mental health...
Bridging the GAP - Bringing Assessment & Gender Affirming Practices Together (1 CE)
Transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people are more visible in our society than ever...
Decolonising Psychological Practice - An Indigenous Aotearoa New Zealand Perspective (1 CE)
The application of psychological paradigms and perspectives, when working alongside...
Contemporary Integrative Interpersonal Theory - Structure, Dynamics, Temporal Scale (1 CE)
Theoretical accounts of psychopathology often emphasize social context as etiologically central to...
Violence Risk Assessment with the HCR-20V3 in Legal Contexts - A Critical Reflection (1 CE)
The HCR-20V3 is a violence risk assessment tool that is widely used in forensic clinical...
SIRS-2 - Use and Admissibility in Forensic Mental Health Assessment (1 CE)
Assessment of symptom feigning is paramount in forensic psychological and psychiatric...
The Utility of the Trauma Symptom Inventory as a Primary and Secondary Assessment Instrument (1 CE)
This paper examines the utility of the Trauma Symptom Inventory-2 (TSI-2) and its...
Using the Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent (PAI-A) in Legal Settings (1 CE)
The Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent (PAI-A; Morey et al., 2007) is a...