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2021 Experimental and Neurophysiological Rorschach Research (1.5 CEs)
This session focuses on recent research using an experimental and/or neurophysiological approach...
Understanding Relationship between Personality/Visual Info on the Rorschach & Human Faces (1.5 CEs)
Researchers from independent laboratories in two countries will present papers utilizing...
Introducing the MMPI-3 (1.5 CEs)
This symposium introduces the MMPI-3 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3; Ben-Porath...
Malingering Research - A Multi-Method Perspective (1.5 CEs)
During the past two decades over 1,200 papers on malingering research were published. To offer an...
Psychological Assessment for Treatment - The Values Dimension (1.5 CEs)
In keeping with the theme of the conference: “Advancing Standards in Personality...
R-PAS administration errors by clinical psychology graduate students - Recommendations (no CEs)
Previous research on doctoral clinical assessment training in the Rorschach has focused...
Rorschach Markers of Emotional Distress and Dysregulation (1.5 CEs)
Ando’ and her colleagues begin the symposium examining how compared to non-smokers, smokers...
Tele-Assessment of Personality/Psychopathology - Challenges, Roadblocks & Solutions (1.5 CEs)
With the outbreak of COVID-19, in-person evaluations have become increasingly more difficult to...
The need to feel alive - different faces of depression in young offenders (1.5 CEs)
Depressive states are common in young offenders and important to recognize, to fully understand...
Using Repeated Measurement to Therapeutically Assess Clients over Time (1.5 CEs)
A growing body of research identifies how between-person and within-person approaches to...
Clinical Issues in Family Court Evaluations (1.5 CEs)
This symposium will discuss a wide range of issues that confront evaluators in various Family...
Personality Assessment via Telehealth - Keeping Up with the Times (1.5 CEs)
Continuing its commitment to the professional development of graduate students, the Society for...