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Conceptualizing and Assessing Bipolar Spectrum Disorders (1.5 CEs)

The concept of Bipolarity has changed and now includes a broader range of mood disturbances, which challenge conventional diagnostic assumptions. Panel members present multiple methods for assessing mood and bipolar spectrum conditions beginning with history-gathering and clinical interview techniques, and using selected rating scales, and projective, performance-based methods.


James Kleiger | Private Practice

Goals & Objectives
  1. Participants will be able to explain the distinction between the conventional diagnosis of bipolar and a spectrum approach to conceptualizing mood disorders. 
  2. Participants will be able to list three R-PAS features associated with bipolar disorders. 
  3. After this symposium, audience members will be able to describe three characteristics of manic though disorder. 

Concept of Spectrum of Mood Disorders: Developmental History & Rating Scales

James Kleiger, PsyD, ABPP, ABAP | Private Practice, Maryland

Clinical Interview with Bipolar Patients

Ali Khadivi, PhD, ABAP | Clinical and Forensic Psychology

Projective Assessment of Manic Depressive Personality Odile Husain, PhD | Private Practice and IPP, Montreal R-PAS Assessment of Bipolarity

Joni Mihura, PhD, ABAP | University of Toledo


Non-Member Price: $109
Member Price: $49